Get ready for a barre chord as you learn the F minor (also written as Fm in your song books). You’ll need a strong 1st finger but don’t worry I’ll help you through it to get the beautiful sound you want! With a little practice you’ll be an Fm master in no time.

Playing the F Minor Chord

Your first finger will bar the 1st fret. Start by placing the tip of your finger on the 6th string and lower it to also press down on the 3rd, 2nd, and 1st strings too.

Your 2nd finger can take a break on this chord. Put your 3rd finger on the 5th string of the 3rd fret. Your 4th finger will go under it – on the 4th string of that 3rd fret.

Strum all 6 strings and let the F minor chord ring out! Here’s what Fm looks like:

F minor chord

For more tips, see how to make your guitar chords easy to play. Also, learn more about guitar chords for beginners including how to take the chords you just learned and move them around the fretboard for new and exciting sounds.